Natalie Amor

Frequently asked


Don’t get fooled by my I’ve-lived-in-London-for-a-few-years confusing accent, I am genuinely from France, born and bread 😉

Yes! You know what they say, the more the merrier. You can have a look here and see if anyone strikes your fancy.

I’m open to surprises but usually a winning combo would be a meal or drinks, along with some entertainment (my preference is for the opera) before we retire for some private fun.

Is the sky blue? Is water liquid? But yes, I’m bisexual.

I would say diamonds are a girl’s best friend but I personally find them quite cumbersome. If you want to stay classic you can bring me something you’d like me to wear, in a dress size 8 and a shoe size 5. But if you want to stray from the mainstream, I love to be treated to experiences or learn new things. Whether it’s a pottery class, or tickets to an obscure German opera, it’ll make for a fun story the next time I see you!

I am triple vaccinated and hope that you are too. Please do a lateral flow test before you see me.

The only people I refuse to meet with are the ones who are rude or disrespectful. However I do not discriminate based on race, religion, gender or age. If you have a disability, please let me know ahead of time of any specific need you may have and I will try my best to accommodate them.

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